Carbine - Night Hawk

The Night Hawk Pro soars above the skies & sets the industry benchmark for night latches. Never has a night latch been designed with both the installer and end user functionality in mind and delivering a power packed feature set that provides immense benefits for the everyday user.

The Night Hawk Pro comes in a satin chrome finish that harmonises with your existing or new door hardware. To simplify the user experience, the hold back functionality allows for quick entry and exit into premises, which can be set to clockwise, anti-clockwise or completely disabled based on user preference. This is done by simply removing a screw (from anti-clockwise), slide the selection bar to clockwise or no hold back, and easily replace the screw back into the selected position.

For outward opening doors the stainless-steel latch tongue is easily reversible with a 2.5mm allen key, meaning installers need only carry the one model to get the job done fast. In addition, a one way screw is also supplied where increased security is required.

The Carbine Night Hawk Pro takes a CRC rim cylinder (suits 201) which can be rekeyed and allows the integration with existing mechanical or electromechanical master key systems such as EVVA 4KS or EKA CyberLock.

Secure Snib

To increase security and additional privacy with the Night Hawk Pro, the snib can be pushed in, to deactivate the cylinder from being turned by the key. This is ideal for scenarios where external entry is not desired into a room or premises, but egress is always available such as a garage side door, granny flat, or back door. To ensure anti-lockout, the snib is automatically disabled if the door is closed while the snib is already pushed in. Furthermore, in the installation process the privacy snib can easily be permanently deactivated if privacy is not a requirement.

Anti Carding

The Night Hawk Pro comes with a standard anti-carding latch function to maximise security and stop unauthorised access using thin metal or cards.

Door Strike

In addition, for added mounting strength and security, extra mounting holes and a reinforced inward opening timber strike with extra-long screws provides increased holding strength and can assist in repair of damaged frames. Metal door strike is also available as an option and aesthetically matches the Night Hawk Pro.

Product Specs

Innovation in lock design

All Carbine locks are developed in collaboration with some of Australia’s most talented and visionary locksmiths. It’s your guarantee of superior quality, versatility and ease-of-installation.

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